Obsessed With PBS: Downton Abbey, S6, Part Two

Today’s phrase is “Cervical Incompetence”.

Lady Mary makes an appointment with her London gyno so that Anna can see what her lady parts issues are and why a Batesby isn’t happening. Before they leave for London, Bates says to his wife to get some rest and put your feet up. “Yes, I’ll be putting my feet up,” says Anna. Gyno joke! So the situation turns out to be that her cervix isn’t up for the job. The London Gyno says let me know when you are pregnant and I’ll stitch that cervix. So…that, I guess, is wrapped up.

Cool. Moving on.

The episode begins with a Branson and a Lady Rose mention! Mary thinks Rose may be pregnant because Rose was sketchy on when she could visit (“As usual you add two and two and get fifty-three,” snarked Edith). This may be used to keep Rose off screen because her film career is going well. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, you guys!

Today’s word is “Almoner”.

Isobel heard that I didn’t catch her position title last week so she graciously said it again a few times. She is an almoner of the hospital which means she assists patients in their financial and social welfare. But I guess also the hospital’s in this use? Isobel is playing it that she is the hospital administrator so maybe that was the case with little village hospitals. Whatever the case, the Hospital Debate continues. Doc Clarkson just wants what’s good for the patients but he is still in the Dowager Countess’s camp. Lord Merton, Isobel and now Cora are on the side of having more resources with a county takeover. Lord Grantham is in the middle.  As Isobel says, “So there’ll be wigs on the green before we’re done.”

In other Lord Grantham news, he so graciously said that Carson and Hughes could have their wedding reception at Downton. He suggests decorating the Servant’s Hall. Edith and Mary roll their eyes. Mary later insists that the couple have the reception in one of the upstairs rooms. This comes after Mrs. Hughes rightfully says, “I don’t want to be working on my wedding day.” Later when Carson can’t seem to tell the Granthams no, Mrs. Hughes throws some great shade about his “blessed Lady Mary”. Finally Carson puts his foot down and insists that the reception be at Downton because it is his home. Dude, you basically chose Mary over Hughes. Think about this.

Meanwhile Blessed Lady Mary wins the village pig competition! Not being rude. She and Mr. Drewe submit two fine swine and they are victorious. So victorious that no one notices Mrs. Drewe snatching Marigold away. Drewe, Edith, Cora and LG (Lord Grantham. Not London Gyno.) run back to the farm to find Mrs. Drewe cradling Marigold like a crazy lady. Drewe gets the little girl back and tells LG, yeah, we should find another farm. So the Drewes will be out of Edith’s hair. So…I guess that’s wrapped up, too.

Daisy is still reeling from hurting Mr. Mason’s chance of keeping his farm. She wants to plea her case to Cora but Baxter doesn’t think it will do any good. Daisy says, “That’s what makes me angry: the system. And she’s a part of it!” Fight the power, Daisy! She does talk to Cora who then has an idea that might make things right. My guess is that Mr. Mason will be at Drewe’s farm next week. So… I guess that’ll be wrapped up then.


What else did I learn from Episode Two? Besides having her child stolen by the former foster mother while looking at pigs, Lady Edith is getting chewed out by her editor in London. Rosamund thinks Edith should tell Mary about Marigold. Barrow is feeling obsolete at Downton because no one will accept his help. He asks Carson for the afternoon off to go to an assistant butler interview. Carson is all, yeah, do that. The interview doesn’t go very well. Turns out assistant butler means valet, footman and chauffeur rolled into one. “Come down off your high horse, Mr. Barrow,” says the butler. Times are a-changin’.

One last thing:

Anna says to her husband, “You’re tribal, Mr. Bates.” Tribal Bates is my new band.