Non-NoWriMo Offering #21

Happy Thanksgiving, all! Hope you are enjoying the day with your friends and/or family. I continued my tradition of watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. This year, I enlisted others to watch with me. Traditions are best when passed along to willing participants. I think the idea of brunch and mimosas helped persuade them. Full disclosure: the brunch and mimosas weren’t my idea. I said to my friend after being asked of plans, “I don’t know. I’m going to watch the parade. You are welcome to come over…I’ll make some pumpkin…something.” He ran with it and even hosted. I’m diabolical, y’all. I put the idea into his head and didn’t even need to make a pumpkin something. I brought Prosecco. T-Giving win.

Anyway…on to the painting.

More “Famous Dots“! Today: The Sun.

And I’m cheating a bit with this as it is part of set. Second half will be posted tomorrow. Hey, it’s a holiday. And I’m making up these Non-NoWriMo rules as I go along.