Obsessed With PBS: Downton Abbey S2, Part Three

Anyone else want a full hour of Lord Grantham and Bates hanging out, guy-chattin’ at the pub? Or how about an animated gif of the Dowager Countess reacting to everyone breaking out into song? Because I would like both, please.  Right now.

Last night’s episode marked the return of Bates to the house. LG had gone to the pub to apologize to him for ripping him a new one when he left and he asked him to return. Everyone was so pleased to see him (“everyone” does not include O’Brien and Thomas or Moseley who thought he would be shoe horning LG into his boots permanently). Bless Bates’ heart: he still thinks he can get a divorce.

Meanwhile, Lady Grantham is muscling Isobel out by changing lunches and nurses’ schedules. Isobel and Cora have a great “I want to go where I’m needed” “OK” “I’m really going” “No one’s stopping you” conversation which ends with Isobel going to France. Moseley and Mrs. Bird are crazy bored in her absence. Mrs. Bird starts a soup kitchen with the help of Mrs. Patmore and Daisy.  O’Brien, being O’Brien, tries to get them into trouble with Lady Cora who, in turn, pitches in to help. Meanwhile, Moseley is off screen shopping for a fancy shoe horn for Lord Grantham.

Mary finds out about Sybil and Branson. Sybil confesses that she’s not sure that she loves him but damn if he isn’t sure she does. He basically said, “I’m just hanging out until you admit that you got the hots for me and then we’ll run away together.” I liked him better in Season One. He’s not listening to Sybil. He thinks he knows what she wants and what’s best for her. Stop pushing my issues button, Branson!

Just a quick aside: was it me or were there a lot of reflection shots? Mary in the mirror, Anna in the window, etc. It’s the first I’ve noticed it.  Must be a director putting his stamp on it. Back to the episode…

Matthew and William are missing!  Everyone is worried, especially the Dowager Countess: “We’re used to Matthew now. God knows who the next heir will be.”  This would be Best Line winner if the winner wasn’t instead a Best Look (see Animated Gif Wish at top).

DA holds a concert (aka talent show) for the soldiers. Edith accompanies Mary on the piano which prompts a Best Runner Up from Maggie, “Well, now I’ve seen everything.” Everyone begins to sing along (Internet, don’t deny me that animated gif!) when they stop in shock at Matthew and William crashing the concert with their not-missing-aliveness. And Matthew starts them all singing again!

I believe I may have clapped once or twice…

What else did I learn from Part Three?  That it isn’t technically Episode 3, it is Episode 4.  Damn you, Two Hour Premiere!  Also, I think I’ve been spelling Mrs. Patmore’s name wrong all this time. And she was the one going blind! (Season One Call Back.)  Thomas is back to being unsympathetic.  Hughes catches Ethel with the swarmy Major and fires her, only she returns later and tells Hughes that she’s pregnant. And finally, I learned that Lord Grantham loves Matthew like a son.  I also learned that I’m not old enough not to squee.