Non-NoWriMo Offering #2

So I’m already a big liar. I said that I would post things from the past few months but today’s entry is from almost a year ago. Last December, I was so despondent over politics and the ugliness around it. Still am but far angrier. Anyway, I felt that people had lost touch with their empathy for others. I wanted to make something to remind my fellow humans that we are all fellow humans. Yes, so hopeful was Last Year Mandy. Anyhoo, inspired by street artists, I made stickers to post around the city. It’s a collage of images from National Geographic with an Empathy stencil painted over it. I did three versions, printed them on label paper, and was going to plaster them all around. I tried that third step. I think I posted…maybe three or four before realizing I was too much of a law-abiding citizen and didn’t want to get into trouble. So I decided to be a supporter of street artists and not take the risk they take. Instead, I put a small stack of the stickers at a coffee shop, gave some to friends, and then handed the rest out at the Women’s March this past January.


I still like how they turned out. Maybe someday I’ll have a little more faith that the message will sink in for some.