Non-NoWriMo Offering #27

Behold the Pearlized Pea!

When I got the light green color (“Pistachio”), I originally used it for the pea soup vomit on my Stand Up Possession cartoons. I didn’t think I would use it much in this month’s paintings. But it’s the one I reached for when I wanted a single orb piece. This painting also started with a background chosen for me (in a sense) because of extra paint on the brush for another piece. What could contrast with the pale yellow? Dark blue applied with one of my new sponge brushes. I like how it ribboned back and forth with a bit of the yellow peeking through in some places. I thought the Pistachio would look good on the Blue Ribbon. So there you have it.

I feel like I should be “deeper” in my analysis of my paintings but really a lot of it is instinctual. Once I feel more comfortable with techniques and colors then I can use them to imbue the pieces with theme. I dabbled in that with the “Hear Music Thru Sight” piece and I would like to get back to that. In the recent days, I’ve been mostly experimenting and that’s been good. Now I have more in my bag o’ tricks to apply to thematic pieces if I like. Because there’s nothing wrong with a painting that just is what it is.

But more important than all of that: I had my annual viewing of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer while working on this painting. Yeah, I sang along. Yeah, I quoted along like it was Rocky Horror. Yeah, I was once again shit-talking the other reindeer for ostracizing Rudolph. It’s not the Holiday Season if I don’t.

One question lingers:


Perhaps we’ll never know…