Non-NoWriMo Offering #23

Let’s just jump right into what I watched while painting this piece: PADDINGTON 2. A Damn Delight. The first one was wonderful and this sequel is as good if not better. Pure joy. In London’s Paddington Station is a statue of Paddington Bear that I saw from afar the last time I was in the UK. This was before I had seen either film. If it was after, you for damn sure would see a statue selfie posted here. We Stan a Bear in a Red Hat.

As for today’s painting, I went with the light colors over charcoal, slate and navy base. I wanted to pick up some of the darker colors in the swirls. But I was distracted by Paddington winning over convicts with his marmalade recipe that the paints dried enough to not swirl as much as intended. But no matter, I like the results and Paddington got rescued by The Browns. All was well.