Non-NoWriMo Offering #6

Today’s piece combines the dots, Alice and cutouts. Not much more to say on it except I watched the movie Night Of the Comet while working on it. Night of the Comet is a fun b-movie from the ‘80s about two sisters who find out that the comet either reduced people to dust or turned them into zombies. It features the incomparable Mary Woronov whom all should revere. She may be best known for Eating Raoul but she will always and forever be Miss Evelyn Togar, the principal in Rock ‘n’ Roll High School. That movie is one of my all timers and first introduced me as a child to the amazing punk band, The Ramones. Highly, highly recommend it.

Also, Death Race 2000(1975) fans will recognize Woronov as Calamity Jane. Never heard of it, you say? Well, anytime you are in a car and the driver makes a joke about running over a pedestrian being 50 points? That’s not from a video game, kid. It originated with Death Race 2000. Listen to your Auntie Mandy: watch this and Rock ‘n’ Roll High School now.